
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Awesome Con DC Day 1

Some of the ladies hit up Awesome Con in DC today and got a chance to check out some amazing cosplay.

Holy lines, Batman!

The con was pretty chaotic so we managed to only get in one panel on Budget Cosplay (natch) but we did plenty of people watching, some game playing with our new Guildies- Lesley and Hunter (our first male geek girl, we don't discriminate!), and art buying because none of us will ever have enough geeky decor. 

We saw some pretty impressive costumes and if anything it just made us more excited for tomorrow's group contest. The Steampunk Family who hosted the panel we went to really nailed it when they talked about the importance of working with people you can learn from and sharing those skills to make you even better as not just an individual but also a team. We couldn't have gorgeous dresses to wear tomorrow without Beverly, we have so much to learn from her when it comes to sewing. Beth and Kelly who claimed to be short on talent have really stepped up and learned how to make some awesome props (oh you shall see soon enough!). As a team we really have the chance to bring our projects to a whole new level ala 90's Grrl Power. 

Here are just some of the great ladies of DC cosplay we saw today:

There was a lot of talent on display and it was especially great to see the young girls out there really bringing it as the next generation of Geek Girls. And special props to this little girl who didn't see why she couldn't be Superman and to her dad for agreeing:

Geek Girl pride is all about having fun by indulging in what you love and showing your skills. Check out the rest of the photos we took here and come say hi to us as we roam Awesome Con Sunday!

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